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By 10.40



你一定有听过那个“爱”吃鱼骨头的妈妈的故事吧?孩子将妈妈无私的爱误解成了妈妈的喜好。真是欲哭无泪! 我家那两个愚钝的儿子,如果没有预先声明,真的会以为他们的妈妈爱吃儿童餐! 搞不好将来赚了钱可能会请我吃一桌子的kids meals!

妈妈们都会做孩子爱吃的菜,不过有时妈妈还是应该宠宠自己,做一道自己爱吃的菜,管他们喜不喜欢 ;)


纵里寻'它'千百度,终于有一天, 让我找到一个看起来还不太难的食谱。。。就这样做了这道凉拌皮蛋豆腐。

剥开皮蛋,这颗还有松花呢!可有听说过'蛋好松花开,花开皮蛋好'吗? 我不知道这算不算优质皮蛋,总知二话不说拿起相机咔嚓咔嚓几下才甘愿,呵呵!


豆腐会出水,蒸过后一些水份会蒸发掉,比较不会出水。如果敢生吃, 或是用上等日本豆腐(可以贵上好几倍!我去survey过了,一盒要差不多九元新币! 晕!),要等上菜前才从盒子取出摆盘,酱汁可以预先准备好。记住皮蛋剥开后不能放多过两个小时。这些小贴士食谱都没有注明hor,都是我这里那里搜集到的小知识哦。


姐姐妹妹们,今天你煮了你自己爱吃的菜了吗? 还没? 那你还等什么呢?!

As much as I like to broaden my kids palettes, certain food simply do not appeal to them or they have yet to acquire the taste of some ingredients. As such, I usually end up cooking meals that suit their appetite but which may not necessary be the kind of food that I crave for. Lately, I have come to term with the fact that it is perfectly alright for me to prepare food which I could be the only one who enjoys eating it. There is nothing wrong with me putting my needs and wants above my children's, at least, occasionally ;)

When we spent almost a month in Beijing two winters ago, I have grown to like several cold dishes that I get to eat at the local restaurants. The range is so wide that most restaurant menu would devote one section just on cold dishes. One of my favourate is none other than this cold tofu with century egg (or preserved egg). It was after many many months that I finally found a suitable, or rather, simple and easy recipe for me to follow.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the clear 'snow-flakes' or 'pine-branch' patterns on this century egg I bought from the wet market. I couldn't help but took out my camera and started clicking away.

Unless you are using high quality silken tofu such as those from Japan, I would recommend steaming it over high heat for 3 mins and leave it to cool off. The sauce is prepared by boiling a simple mixture of oyster sauce, soya sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil, chilli sauce and some water. The sauce is left to cool before being drizzled over the cold tofu and century egg. The dish is best served cold, so I had it chilled in the fridge for 15mins before serving it. The sauce and pork floss that is sprinkled on top adds flavours to the otherwise plain tofu. This dish is usually served as a side and it tastes rather refreshing when served well chilled.

Have you prepared something just for yourself? Something you have been craving for ages? If not, what are you waiting me for?


肉松 (我用的肉松里头有紫菜还有芝麻)

1小匙麻油 (我自己加进去的)
100ml 水

- 嫩豆腐用大火蒸三分钟,放凉。
- 把调味料拌均和水一起煮沸,栗粉水勾芡,离火,放凉。
- 皮蛋切八片。
- 嫩豆腐摆进盘中,摆入皮蛋。
- 淋上一些酱汁,撒上肉松,葱花(记住,是先放酱汁才撒肉松,酱汁不必全部淋上)。
- 淋上酱汁后可以放进冰箱冰15分钟,肉松,葱花上桌前才撒上。

(食谱来源:名食谱, Famous Cuisine)

Cold Tofu with Century Egg


1 box silken tofu
1 century egg
some pork floss
some chopped green onion

1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp light soya sauce
1/2 tsp dark soya sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp fish sauce
1 tbsp chilli sauce
100ml water
1/2 tsp corn starch mix with 1 tbsp water

- Steam silken tofu over high heat for three minutes, let cool.
- Mix the seasonings with water, and bring it to a boil in a pan. Stir in the corn starch mixture, bring sauce back to boil, remove from heat and let cool.
- Slice century egg into eight slices.
- Place silken tofu in a plate, arrange century egg on top and side of the tofu.
- Drizzle sauce over and leave to chill in the fridge for 15 mins.
- Top with some pork floss and chopped green onion.

(Recipe Source: adapted from Famous Cuisine)

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